
HondaTrue Certified+1

HondaTrue Certified2

HondaTrue Used3


Powertrain Coverage
7 years4/100,000 miles5

Non-Powertrain Coverage
For vehicles purchased
within New Vehicle
Limited Warranty period:
5 years4/86,000 miles5

Powertrain Coverage
7 years4/100,000 miles5

Non-Powertrain Coverage
For vehicles purchased
within New Vehicle Limited
Warranty period:
New Vehicle Limited Warranty
to 4 years4/48,000 miles5
For vehicles purchased
after New Vehicle Limited
Warranty has expired:
1 year/12,000 miles from
delivery date

Powertrain Coverage
100 days/5,000 miles6


Non-Powertrain Coverage
100 days/5,000 miles6


Oil Change Up to two complimentary
oil changes within the first
year of ownership.9
Up to two complimentary
oil changes within the first
year of ownership.9
One complimentary oil
change within the first
year of ownership.9
Exchange Policy
Honda CareEligible for purchase.Eligible for purchase.Eligible for purchase.
Trip InterruptionYes7Yes8Yes8
Concierge ServiceYes7Yes8Yes8
Inspection Reports
First 90 days.11First 90 days.11First 90 days.11
1Vehicles with less than 12 months or 12,000 miles from their original in-service date. 2Vehicles older than 12 months and up to 6 years, and with less than 80,000 miles from their original in-service date at the time of sale. 3Vehicles 10 years old or newer from their original in-service date at the time of sale. 4From original in-service date of the vehicle. 5 Based on total odometer miles. 6The Limited Warranty provides non-powertrain and powertrain coverage for 100 days/5,000 odometer miles (whichever occurs first) beginning at the expiration of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, or from the date of sale of the vehicle if the New Vehicle Limited Warranty has expired at the time of sale. 7Available for 2 years or 50,000 miles (whichever occurs first) beginning at the expiration of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, or from the date of sale of the vehicle if the New Vehicle Limited Warranty has expired at the time of sale. (See Warranty Booklet for full details.) For 2015 and newer models, Honda Roadside Assistance is available throughout the New Vehicle Limited Warranty period and can be reached at 1-866-864-5811. Non-covered services require a separate payment at the time of service. For additional warranty coverages, please consult your specific program details. 8Available for 1 year or 12,000 miles (whichever occurs first) beginning at the expiration of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty, or from the date of sale of the vehicle if the New Vehicle Limited Warranty has expired at the time of sale. (See Warranty Booklet for full details.) For 2015 and newer models, Honda Roadside Assistance is available throughout the New Vehicle Limited Warranty period and can be reached at 1-866-864-5811. Non-covered services require a separate payment at the time of service. For additional warranty coverages, please consult your specific program details. 9Beginning on the date of vehicle delivery and for 1 year/12,000 miles (whichever occurs first). 10Beginning on the date of vehicle delivery. The 3-day exchange policy allows the customer to exchange the vehicle purchased for another Honda Certified Pre-Owned vehicle (HondaTrue Certified or HondaTrue Certified+ or HondaTrue Used) in the dealer’s inventory. The returned vehicle must be in the same condition as when it left the dealership and may have no more than 300 miles over the mileage shown as of the date of purchase. 11SiriusXM services require a subscription after any trial period. If you decide to continue your SiriusXM service at the end of your trial subscription, the plan you choose will automatically renew and bill at then-current rates until you call SiriusXM at 1-866-635-2349 to cancel. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at www.siriusxm.com. Fees and programming subject to change. Available in the 48 contiguous United States and D.C. SiriusXM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. ©2022 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

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